The Hogsback Homesteader Bootcamp returns this Autumn for the second edition of our week-long immersive and practical learning experience in the hamlet of Hogsback, situated in the Eastern Cape’s afromontane Amathole Mountains.
Step into a week of hands-on learning and connection at the Hogsback Homesteader Bootcamp, held in the breathtaking mountain-top forest village of Hogsback this May. As autumn paints our part of Amathole Mountains with vibrant hues, we’ll explore the art of preserving the season’s bounty. Learn to pickle, make jams, and whip up delicious mushroom pâtés. We'll build on last year’s favorites at our Spring Bootcamp with hands-on lessons in gouda cheesemaking, sourdough bread baking, growing oyster mushrooms, and brewing beer at home. We'll dive into sustainable cultivation with a special focus on composting and strengthening your soil. Whether you’re a seasoned homesteader or just starting your journey, this bootcamp promises inspiration, practical skills that will enrich your journey towards taking control of yours and your family’s nutrition, and a chance to connect with like-minded individuals amidst the breathtaking beauty of Hogsback in autumn.
The Courses
Pickle and preserve with Ian
Ian will teach his tried and tested recipes for making various pickles as well as making jams to preserve and savour the season's bounty long into the winter months
Adi will host a foraging hike through one of South Africa's oldest indigenous forests, as well as share the traditional and medicinal uses of various herbs.